What is the GROW Model?

coaching grow model Apr 04, 2022

Video transcript:

So what is the GROW model of coaching?
The reasons I’ve created a Field Note out
of this is in the many workshops I ran last year
in the period of non-Covid I often asked the
question of engineers and people I was working
with if they had heard of the GROW model of coaching
and I was surprised to find that typically
only about 10% had heard of it.
So just a very quick word about the GROW model
and how you can find out more.
It’s one of the most basic and simple models of
coaching, often taught on many coaching courses
and it’s something that can take literally a few
minutes to learn and of course a lifetime to master
like any good coaching model.
So the GROW model originated from a book called
Coaching for Performance by John Whitmore.
It’s an excellent book. I think it’s in something like
the 5th or 6th edition now and well worth a read
around the whole coaching subject of
coaching at work.
And the GROW stands for
G is Goal in terms of the goal you’re aiming for
R stands for Reality of what’s going on right now.
Are you living in the reality of what’s going on right
now and what might happen if things continue
as they are?
O means Options. So the whole range of options
of things you might do and the .
W stands for What Will you actually do in terms
of alternative strategies.
That’s essentially it, the GROW model.
There’s a lot more to it although it’s a fairly
simple model to teach.
I highly recommend you get the book if
you’re interested in coaching at work.
Ok, I hope that’s answered a question if it was
on your mind, ‘What is the GROW model?’
and please give any comments, or if you
have any book recommendations or 
sources of reference, please put them below.


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