Big or small change?

change Apr 04, 2022

Video transcript:

So obviously in coaching you want
some kind of change.
But what's better to focus on?
Making a small change or making a large change?
That might be a peculiar kind of question but
you'll find that some coaches or some
schools of thought talk about aiming for big,
audacious, enormous, huge goals and having those
as part of your life
and direction in which you're going.
The reality is, how we make change is by small steps.
So I often find that one of the most
powerful questions I can ask the coachee is
"What's the smallest change that you could make
to move you in the direction of where you're going?"
And invariably what happens is that person
comes up with something really small that
they can do, that they are very willing
to commit to, make happen.
Almost tomorrow in a lot of cases.
And what happens is they go away,
make that small change and then realise
'if I can do that, I can do something bigger,
and actually if I can do that then
I can do something even bigger still'.
So small change actually gets people moving
in the direction they want to go.
That's why I would always favour small change
that people can do easily and are
happy to commit to because that's
the starting point, that's the driver,
that gets things moving.
Big changes, great big sweeping changes,
overnight, major sort of switches are
really difficult and actually the
systems around people actually
resist that kind of large change
that you might want to make.
You get to large change by making
a series of lots of small changes.
Ok, I hope that makes sense.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.


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