How to choose a coach

coach Jul 07, 2020

Video transcript:

So you're interested in coaching
It's something you're considering
but you've never had coaching before perhaps
or maybe it's provided for you by work
or somebody else.
So how would you go about choosing a coach?
is the question.
Now, having trained a lot of coaches and having
been in the coaching field for over 20 years
here's some basic tips on how to choose a coach.
One is before you actually get in a coaching
session with anybody, actually chat to the coach.
All decent coaches will be very happy to
have a preliminary chat, maybe even the first
session for free, where you can gauge the fit.
When I say the fit, it's not some kind of
logical, cognitive thing. It's how you feel
about the coach.
So, questions to ask yourself in terms of a
first session or chatting to a prospective coach
and I would say talk to at least three
Do I feel a fit?
Is there some good rapport?
Do I feel really listened to?
And a really key question is
Is this coach going to challenge me enough?
You may want a lot of challenge
a lot of push, you want someone to push
back with your best interests at heart
that's going to help you move forward.
Some coaches will have different styles
about that. And check that you're really
comfortable with that
in that preliminary conversation.
So the key thing is, before taking on a
coach, have a chat with them. Check out
that they feel comfortable.
Check that... I wouldn't commit to 6 or
multiple sessions up front.
I'd have the first session and
then make a decision after that
even if, with a good chat with someone
because they maybe very good at sales
and pulling you in
wait to the end of the first session
til you commit to anything more
And you'll know if it's right for
you or not. And if, for any reason,
it doesn't feel right then don't go on.
There's going to be a coach out there
that does feel right and is worth
spending more time and your money with them.
So, pick at least three.
Look for comfort
Look for the right amount of challenge
And that's fundamentally it when you're
looking for a good coach.
I'll answer the question about competency
and how you judge the competency of a coach
in a separate question because, actually
I think that's a different thing from
how well you feel a coach fits and is
going to give you the right kind of
challenge you're looking for.
Ok, so let me know what you think.
What's your experience?
What have you looked for in a coach?
When has it gone wrong?
When has it gone right?
Let me know in the comments below.
I'd be really interested to hear.


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