Project Health Check


Get feedback on 12 key project areas

  • This free Project Health Check has been carefully designed by project management professionals with decades of experience.
  • Take about 10 minutes to get a comprehensive overview of your project in 12 key project areas.
  • The 36-page Project Health Check Report contains invaluable feedback to help you focus on project improvements.
  • Created by project managers who have been there, done it and can help you succeed.
Take the Project Health Check Now (approx. 10 mins to complete). Only £9.99

Based on international project management standards and real-world experience of top project managers, this Health Check provides a 36-page report on 12 key project areas. The Health Check has been carefully designed to be suitable for all types of projects and shareable with all project team members and stakeholders. It's a fast and effective way to get feedback on your project and is full of practical advice that can be put into action immediately.

"Wow! That’s one really good document. It takes you through everything that is key
to managing a successful project. I would have no problem recommending this to
other PM’s I know and work with."
Martin Lucca, Senior PM with 20+ years of PM experience
"I completed the project health check questionnaire and found the report
a useful, simple, effective way to quickly see where the strengths and
opportunities are in my projects.
Great tool - thanks for creating and sharing John and Alan."
Mark Davison, Sixcessful Project and Insights Ltd

Take 10 minutes to find out for yourself and make sure your project is on track.

Take the Project Health Check Now and get your Customised Report - 0nly £9.99